TISM TCL REFERENCE IO * addinprotocol port protocol param : configure input port * addoutprotocol port protocol pram : configure output port * deleteinprotocol port : desactivate input port * deleteoutprotocol port : desactive output port * deleteallprotocol : desactivate all
TISM TCL REFERENCE CTRL * createctrl group mask : create a new controller (return ctrlid) in a group * setscript1 group ctrlid script : edit On-th-Fly-Script of a controller in a group * setscript2 group ctrlid script : edit Parallel-Script of a controller in a group * setcomment group ctrlid string : edit comments of a controller in a group * deletectrl group num : delete a controller in a group * deletegroupctrl group : delete all controller in group * getctrl group mask: get the controller id in a group associated with a mask * getcgroup : return the first current group number * setcgroup group : set the first current group * getcgroup2 : return the second current group number * setcgroup2 group : set the second current group
TISM TCL REFERENCE SEQUENCE * createseq name : create a new sequence (return seq id) * nameseq seqid name : set sequence name * seqchanout seqid output_channel : set sequence output channel * seqrdef seqid len precision : set sequence playing time * quantize seqid len precision : set sequence quantization value * quantizetype seqid typename : set sequence quantization type (default, midi) * seqdefaultsync seqid len precision : set sequence default sync value * seqmute seqid status : mute a sequence (status = 0) * seqtogglemute seqid : mute state inversion * seqloop seqid status : set sequence loopmode (status!=0 -> loop on) * seqtoggleloop seqid : loopmode inversion * beginmark seqid sec precision : set sequence begin mark * endmark seqid sec precision : set sequence end mark * beginmarksec seqid sec usec : set sequence begin mark * endmarksec seqid sec usec : set sequence end mark * beginmarknext seqid : Move begin mark to the next message * beginmarkprev seqid : Move begin mark to the previous message * endmarknext seqid : Move end mark to the next message * endmarkprev seqid : Move end mark to the previous message * addevt seqid sec precision message : add a message in a sequence * addevtsec seqid sec usec message : add a message in a sequence * deleteseq seqid : delete a sequence * clearseq seqid : clear all messages in a sequence * copyseq seqid1 seqid2 : copy seqid1 to seqid2 * startsync seqid [numbeat] [precision] : start playback * stopsync seqid [numbeat] [precision]) : stop playback * toggleplaysync seqid [numbeat] [precision] : inverse play status * recbegin : start record * recseq seqid : put record buffer in a sequence * recseqmerge seqid : merge record buffer in a sequence * recstop : cancel record * syncemit len precision message : send a message * setbpm bpm : set the tempo
TISM TCL REFERENCE UTIL * getm pos : get the pos'th message value * setm pos value : set the pos'th message value * resizem size : resize message * getv varname : get variable value * setv varname value : set variable value * quit : quit TISM * exec_file filename : execute a Tcl script file * newproject : new project * loadproject filename : load project * saveproject filename : save project * saveallseq filename : save all sequences * saveseq id filename : save sequence id
TISM TCL REFERENCE DISPLAY * printtitle str : display screen in the title frame * print str : display screen in the console