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Messages Format

TiSM manipulates generic messages.
A message is a list of value, each value is 1 byte length ( a value is between 0 and 255). The message length (the number of values in the lsit) is unlimited.

The first message value corresponds to the I/O port. It is used by TiSM to route message to the correct output and is assigned depending the input the message has been received (see Input/Output subsystem). The other values haven't special meaning for tism.

MIDI message are represented in thsi format. For instance a MIDI Note ON message on channel 0 can be : 0 144 0 34 123
The used format is :

This structure can change depending of the status byte. In order to use MIDI in TISM, you need to know the MIDI protocol.

By this way, TISM can support standard MIDI messages, but also system exclusive messages, and all others kind of messages which fit with the TISM message format.

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